Mixer wagons can be classified into 4 major categories: trailed, stationary, self-propelled, and truck-mounted.
Let's find out the characteristics of each!
The mixer wagon is a fundamental and indispensable tool within livestock farms. Its main function is to weigh, mix and distribute feed for ruminants, particularly cattle.
It is a technological, advanced tool that has undoubtedly brought innovations to the livestock sector, revolutionizing the processes of what concerns the preparation and administration of animal feed.
Mixer wagons can be divided into: trailed, stationary, self-propelled and truck-mounted.
Let us describe the various types in detail, analyzing them one by one.
The trailed mixer wagon is a machine that can hold up to about 45 m3 of animal feed.
Usually, only a single operator works inside the tractor cab equipped with the trailed mixer wagon and, most of the time, the latter carries out the various commands and completes the operations in reverse using the mirrors and cameras.
Sometimes, these machines can be dangerous, causing injuries if maneuvers are not performed safely. It is essential to pay close attention and not allow other people, with the exception of the operator on the vehicle, to approach the area where it is used.
The stationary mixer wagon can hold up to 80 m3 of feed, a very high amount. For this reason it is the perfect choice for large farms.
In terms of all other features, it does not differ from trailed mixer wagons.
Only the capacity is what distinguishes this model from others.
Self-propelled mixer wagons do not exceed 32 m3 of animal feed. They are undoubtedly the best for decreasing the time spent on loading and unloading the mixer wagon.
The self-propelled mixer wagon is perfect for long road travel.
Truck-mounted mixer wagons are those where a mixing box is mounted directly on a commercial vehicle.
Their loading capacity varies greatly. Mixer wagons of this type can reach up to 40 m3 capacity.
Whatever wagon you decide to buy, it is an absolute priority, in order to produce complete unifeed portions for your animals, to pay attention to which blades you decide to buy for its use.
It is good to opt for knives that are of the highest quality, efficient and durable. Not paying attention to this detail can be really counterproductive.
Yes, because a mixer wagon not equipped with perfect blades is inefficient, unfortunately, because it does not help to achieve the goal of producing optimal food portions for your livestock.
This behavior could bring other significant negative consequences including, for example, wasting money for having opted for poor blades, which will inevitably prove to be a bad investment, succumbing to the wear and tear of time quickly.
Coltelli Unifeed
Every wagon, whatever it is, must necessarily be equipped with high quality blades and knives.
Knives and blades are essentials for the preparation of well-cut mixes, capable of ensuring the proper supply of nutrition to the farm animals.
ColtelliUnifeed offers you a wide range of blades and knives, both for horizontal and vertical unifeed mixer wagons.
Some examples of brands we can offer: Agm, Faresin, Kuhn, Pagliari, Seko, Storti, Trioliet, Unifast, Gilioli, Italmix, Matrix, Omas, Sgariboldi, Zago, Supertino, Sitrex, Siloking.
All our products are made only with the most resistant and performing materials in the market.
Do you have doubts, questions, or are you simply looking for the perfect blades for your wagon?
Don't hesitate to contact us!